Neural tube


Elizabeth Stuart

The Biology Graduate Admission Pathways (BioGAP) program is a partnership that provides current sophomores, juniors, and seniors from Howard University, Xavier University of Louisiana, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Florida A&M University, and campuses of the California State University system with summer research at UC Davis and joint mentoring by home campus and UC Davis faculty.

Research in the BioGAP program spans the breadth of basic research in biochemistry, molecular, cell, and developmental biology, including research in genetics, neuroscience, and plant science.

The BioGAP program takes a comprehensive approach to student intellectual development through seminars, video conferences, and mentoring to prepare students for summer research at UC Davis and competitive applications to graduate programs. 

UC Davis scientists use zebrafish for research in genetics and development.


  • academic year preparation;
  • summer research at UC Davis and mentoring;
  • follow-up mentoring for seniors who have completed the BioGAP program, with the goal of admission to a strong graduate program in molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, developmental biology or related fields.


  • $5,100 stipend in summer 2023
  • housing, meals, and expenses of travel to Davis covered by the BioGAP program.
  • eight weeks of immersion in science at a research-intensive university
  • mentoring by faculty with proven track records for expertise in working with undergraduates

C elegans
Studying processes in the worm C. elegans can lend insight into analogous phenomena in humans.


  • academic year preparation: monthly videoconference calls between scholar and mentor introduce the research question and help to establish a productive. collegial working relationship
  • summer program, approximately 20 June 2023 through 11 August 2023 
  • UC Davis: about us and about program logistics